Yuan Qinsheng's management thought and socialism with Chinese characteristics
袁勤生,1942年生,江苏省常熟市人,高级经济师、高级政工师,原常 熟江南仪表总厂厂长、常熟市王庄镇党委副书记,现为常熟市名城实业有限 公司总裁,中国管理科学研究院学术委员;先后被南京大学、解放军南京政 治学院等八所高校聘为特约研究员和兼职教授,被江苏省人民政府授予江苏 省文明标兵,被中共中央宣传部、组织部、国家经贸委和全国总工会联合授 予“全国优秀企业思想政治工作者”称号。
Yuan Qinsheng, born in 1942, Changshu, Jiangsu Province, senior economist, senior political engineer, Yuan Chang, deputy secretary of party committee, Changshu Wangzhuang Town, Ltd., President of China Academy of Management Sciences and academic committee member, and was awarded Jiangsu, Provincial Civilized Model, by the Publicity Department, Organization Department and National Federation of Trade Unions.
如果说改革开放是这个时代最壮阔的浪潮,那么袁勤生就是潮头舒 展的风帆;如果说中国特色社会主义是历史上最高的山峰,那么袁勤生管理思想就是峰上长青的松柏。
If the reform and opening up is the most magnificent wave of this era, then Yuan Qinsheng is the sail of the tide; if socialism with Chinese characteristics is the highest mountain in history, then Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is the evergreen pine and cypress on the peak.
在长达40余年的企业党政管理过程中,袁勤生根植中国特色社会主 义理论体系,由认识到实践,由实践到方法,由方法到理论,由理论到 思想,开拓延展,不断进取,在长期的管理工作中总结出了一套强劲有效,不可替代,源远流长的袁勤生管理思想理论体系。
In more than 40 years in the process of enterprise party and government management, Yuan Qinsheng grounding theory system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, from recognition to practice, from practice to method, from method to theory, from theory to thought, expand extension, constantly enterprising, in the long-term management work summarizes a set of strong effective, irreplaceable, long-established Yuan Qinsheng management thought and theory system.
从“四改一渗透”到“两个文明”建设,从“老虎苍蝇一起打”到 “加速社会主义核心价值观落地”,从“以人为本”到“推动共同富裕”, 一路走来,袁勤生管理思想海纳百川,博采众长,与时俱进,它不再仅 仅是一种企业管理思想,也是一种推动人民富裕,国家富强的经济学思想,更是一种符合历史客观规律,关乎人性解放和全人类进步的哲学思想。
From "four change a penetration" to "two civilization" construction, from "tiger flies" to "accelerate the socialist core values", "from" the people-oriented "to" promote common prosperity ", along the way, Yuan Qinsheng management thought all rivers run into sea, eclecticism, advancing with The Times, it is no longer just a kind of enterprise management thought, is also a kind of promote people rich, national rich economic thought, but also a kind of conform to the objective laws of history, the philosophy of human liberation and the progress of all mankind.
No matter in the past or now, Yuan Qinsheng always stood on the standpoint of the people, from the masses to the masses, truly seeking happiness for the people, progress for the nation and rejuvenation for the country.
The first river east to the big waves and sand
“如爱尔维修所说,每一个社会时代都需要有自己的伟大人物,如果没有 出现这样的人物,时代就要把他创造出来。 ” 《马克思恩格斯全集》(第一卷)
"As AlRepair said, every social era needs to have its own great man, and if there is no such a figure, The Times will create him."《 The Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 1)
The prelude to reform
When the important moment of history comes to the gate, it takes great courage to take the initiative to meet it.
1978年12月,影响深远的十一届三中全会在北京召开, 一场如火 如荼的社会改革也即将展开,然而,坐落于江苏省常熟市王庄镇的王庄 水泥制品厂却是一片衰败景象,工人无所事事,气氛冷冷清清,地面坑坑洼洼,厂房杂草从生。
In December 1978, the far-reaching third plenary session of the 11th held in Beijing, a fire, social reform is coming, however, located in changshu, Jiangsu province, wangzhuang cement products factory is a declining scene, workers doing nothing, deserted atmosphere, the ground potholes, plant weeds from raw.
作为江南仪表厂的前身,王庄水泥制品厂这座乡镇企业诞生于1962 年,靠着浇筑各种水泥制品起家,兴盛之时曾一度承包了王庄全公社农 户的楼房建设任务,并建立了自己的水泥货驳船生产线,但在经历了十 多年的风霜后,终因管理不善导致经济一落千丈, 一度到了资不抵债,连工人工资都无法正常支付的地步。
As the predecessor of jiangnan instrument factory, wangzhuang cement products factory the township enterprise was born in 1962, years, by pouring all kinds of cement products, thriving had once contracted the wangzhuang commune farmers, the building construction task, and established their own cement barge production line, but after more than a decade of frost, eventually due to mismanagement, once insolvent, even workers wages cannot normal pay.
若是在故事里, 一个衰败的舞台往往都会有一个最为璀璨的主角上 台扭转乾坤,但这是现实。在当时,没有人看好江南仪表厂这个人心涣 散,濒临倒闭的舞台。不得已,当时的公社党委决定对这个企业进行整顿,并物色了一位优秀的大队书记前往任职,以期重振旗鼓,扭亏为盈,将江南仪表厂从濒临倒闭的边缘拉回。但在前往厂里实际调查的过程中, 该大队书记发现,事情的棘手程度超乎想象:为了跳出三就地的局限, 厂里增设了一个仪表车间,试产工业仪表,但因为在用工和管理上僵化 保守,徇私舞弊,造成了工厂混乱,人心涣散的景象,厂内偷窃、赌博、酗酒、闹事等恶劣行径无所不有,停工停产已经两个月有余。
If in the story, a declining stage will often have a most brilliant protagonist on stage to turn the tide, but this is the reality. At that time, no one is optimistic about the Jiangnan instrument factory this heart lax, on the verge of bankruptcy stage. As a last resort, the commune party committee decided to rectify the enterprise, and found an excellent brigade secretary to take office, in order to revive, turn a profit, the jiangnan instrument factory from the brink of bankruptcy back. But in the process of actual investigation to the factory, the brigade secretary found that things difficult beyond imagination: in order to jump out of the limitations of three, the factory added an instrument workshop, trial-production industrial instrument, but because on the labor and management rigidity, practice favoritism, caused the factory chaos, the factory, stealing, gambling, drinking, trouble and other bad behavior, shutdown production has been more than two months.
面对这种情况,被委派的大队书记提出了两个要求: 一是按照提供 的名单开除六名员工,二是江南仪表厂的前账要由工办接收处理,而自 己要另立新账,重新开始经营。在公社党委研究后,同意了该大队书记 开除员工的要求,但规定账本必须连续。这样的结果让双方陷入了僵持,江南仪表厂的改革要务也就此搁置。
In the face of this situation, the appointed secretary of the brigade to put forward two requirements: one is according to the list of fired six employees, the second is jiangnan instrument factory to be received by the work office, and oneself to establish a new account, to operate again. After the commune party committee study, agreed to the secretary of the brigade to expel the staff request, but stipulated that the books must be continuous. Such a result let the two sides into a stalemate, jiangnan instrument factory reform priorities are also shelved.
When the situation became more difficult and the situation became worse, everyone felt that the outcome of the jiangnan instrument factory could not be reversed, there is a person who knocked on the door of the office of the party secretary, volunteered, ordered to go to the jiangnan instrument factory. This man is Yuan Qinsheng.
Yuan Qinsheng was born in Changshu, Jiangsu province in 1942. This "the soil is rich without flood and drought" gave him a unique wisdom and aura. As a famous national historical and cultural city, one of the central cities in China's county economy, culture, finance, trade, exhibition and shipping, growing up in Changshu, has profound vision and lofty ambition since childhood.
在长期的社会生活中,袁勤生参与过国营工厂车间管理,主持过厂 共青团工作,兼任过公社农民业余教育辅导员,参与过农村扫盲和农民 文化教育工作,进纺织厂当过工人,当过临时助征员,从事过农机厂主 办会计。在他勇挑重担之前,袁勤生正在公社机关办副职岗位上主持工作, 丰富的社会经验、生活阅历和工作中长期的观察思考让这个“江南才子” 深刻的洞识了计划经济条件下的一些弊端和以往思想政治工作中存在的 假大空成分,也正是因此,袁勤生对当时才刚刚确立的“改革开放政策” 和“中国特色社会主义理论体系”怀有满腔的向往和热情。当别人还在 为变革惶惶不安的时候,袁勤生却已经清晰地认识到,自己要化理想为实践,主动投身到这场润泽华夏大地的春雨中去。
In the long-term social life, Yuan Qinsheng participated in the workshop management of state-owned factories, presided over the work of the Communist Youth League of the factory, served as the amateur education counselor of farmers in the commune, participated in rural literacy and farmers, cultural education work, worked as a worker in a textile factory, as a temporary assistant, and engaged in the accountant of agricultural machinery factory. Before he carry burden, Yuan Qinsheng is commune office deputy post host, rich social experience, life experience and work long-term observation thinking make the "jiangnan wit" deep insight into the disadvantages of the planned economy and the ideological and political work, it is therefore, Yuan Qinsheng was just established "reform and opening up policy" and "the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics" with yearning and enthusiasm. While others are still worried about the change, Yuan Qinsheng has clearly realized that he wants to turn his ideal into practice and take the initiative to participate in the spring rain that moistens the land of China. Just like the reform and opening up came to the land of China, Yuan Qinsheng came to the Jiangnan Instrument Factory with full of ambition. The intersection of fate was completed at this moment, and the turning point of The Times began.
力 挽 狂 澜
turn back the powers of darkness
1980年,袁勤生主动要求平级下沉,辞去公社工办副主任的职务, 接手了当时人心分裂,经济萎靡的江南仪表厂。他要化理想为实践,投身到改革开放和中国特色社会主义建设的第一线去。
In 1980, Yuan Qinsheng took the initiative to sink, resigned as deputy director of the commune office, and took over the divided and depressed Jiangnan instrument factory at that time. He should turn his ideal into practice and devote himself to the front line of reform and opening up and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
正如同列宁所说的一样: “现在一切都在于实践,现在已经到了这样一个历史关头:理论在变为实践,理论由实践赋予活力,由实践来修正,由实践来检验。” (《列宁专题文集》)当时,改革开放政策和中国特 色社会主义理论刚刚确立,急需用实践去检验和发扬,而袁勤生正是其中的领头兵、先锋队、拓路者。
Just as Lenin said, " Now everything is in practice, and now it has reached such a historical juncture: theory is turning into practice, theory is given vitality by practice, corrected by practice and tested by practice."(《 Lenin) At that time, the reform and opening up policy and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics had just been established, and it was urgently needed to be tested and developed by practice, and Yuan Qinsheng was the leading soldier, the vanguard and the pioneer.
在前往任职的第一天,袁勤生就在就职演讲上言辞恳切,情感真挚 地和全体员工讲述了自己的想法: “人家说新官上任三把火,可我没有 火烧,想要搞好企业,主要还是依靠大家。大家必须团结一致, 一个目 标一股劲,携手共进一条心,只要能做到这一点,我们不仅可以彻底改变厂里的面貌,而且还可以创造一个新天地来!”
On the first day of his appointment, Yuan Qinsheng made his inaugural speech and told his thoughts: " People said that the new official had three fires, but I did not have fire. If I want to do a good job in the enterprise, I mainly rely on everyone. We must be united, a goal of one strength, hand in hand in one heart, as long as we can do this, we can not only completely change the face of the factory, but also can create a new world!”
In the face of this heart-to-heart speech, the workers were encouraged, but still skeptical: how will the different new factory director create a new world? Then, Yuan Qinsheng announced that the new instrument workshop would be stopped immediately, and all the employees would go back to the cement workshop. This decision instantly let the factory "fried the pot".
原来,早在袁勤生前来江南仪表 厂任职以前,他就对这里进行了深入 细致的走访调查。袁勤生发现,厂里 的工人之所以消极怠工、内讧不断, 就是因为干部们拉帮结派,大搞特权, 从而导致企业经济衰落,效益低下, 而日渐萎靡的经济效益又给工人带来 了新的不满,造成江南仪表厂衰落的 一切的原因就在于此。其中最为突出 的原因和矛盾中心点则是新办的仪表车间。
It turned out that as early as Yuan Qin came to Jiangnan instrument Factory before his job, he conducted an in-depth and meticulous investigation here. Yuan Qinsheng found that the reason why the workers in the factory were down and constantly fighting was because the cadres formed cliques and made privileges, which led to the economic decline of the enterprise, low efficiency, and the increasingly declining economic benefits brought new dissatisfaction to the workers, which was the reason for the decline of the Jiangnan instrument factory. Among them, the most prominent reason and the contradiction center point is the new instrument workshop.
人不患寡而患不均。对比工作又 脏又累的水泥车间,工作轻松干净的仪表车间一经创办,就成了全厂工人眼中的“香饽饽”,但在以往干部 的幕后操作、人情往来下,仪表车间承载了大量的干部亲属“专属岗位”, 这样大张旗鼓的特权行为毫无疑问地成为厂里最鲜明的矛盾导火索,工 人们看在眼里却又无可奈何,只能强压怒火,被迫接受。面对这一顽疾, 袁勤生开出一剂猛药,直达病灶,效果立竿见影。在仪表车间停掉后, 人情交易,特权操纵等不公平的现象一并被铲除,工人们在重新受到公 平对待,被一视同仁的情况下,皆纷纷重燃希望之火,对这位扬言要改天换地的新领导竖起了十二万分的信心。
People do not suffer from inequality. Contrast work dirty and tired cement workshop, work easily clean instrument workshop once founded, became the factory workers in the eyes of "beacon", but in the past cadres behind the scenes operation, human relations, instrument workshop bearing a lot of cadres relatives "exclusive post", such a privilege behavior undoubtedly become the most sharp contradiction fuse, the workers see in the eye but helpless, can only pressure anger, forced to accept. In the face of this stubborn disease, Yuan Qinsheng issued a dose of fierce medicine, direct to the lesion, the effect is immediate. After the stop of the instrument workshop, the human trade, privilege manipulation and other unfair phenomena were eradicated, and the workers in the case of being treated equally, all rekindled the fire of hope, and the new leader raised his confidence.
除此以外,袁勤生还做出了一个令所有人出乎意料的决定,他在宣 布就职的会议上表态: “造成企业今日情况的主要责任不在员工,不少 员工确实做了错事、坏事,但都是被逼出来的。因此我宣布四个字—— ‘刀 下留人’,大家已知道的党委批准开除六名职工,现不予执行,为了和 大家一起办好企业,请你们各自思考,献计献策,共同制订好切实可行 的厂规厂纪。”这一决定让厂里的员工都切实感受到了新来的这位领导 人独特的人格魅力,这六名被免予开除的员工更是改过自新,在长期的 工作中被陆续评上先进。而在厂规厂纪方面,袁勤生也说到做到,始一 上任,他就彻底清查了之前混乱时期厂里发生的打架、斗殴、赌博、酗 酒等不良事件,在了解了事件真相后,依照规定酌情做出了处理,给了 全厂工人一个交代。随后,在袁勤生的主导下,全厂领导干部更是展开 了一场深入车间、科室的全面调研,与全厂工人一起,找出导致厂子乌 烟瘴气的各种歪风邪气,并有针对性地制定了《厂规十条》在厂内严格 推行,袁勤生还强调,在厂规厂纪面前人人平等,工人和干部一视同仁,违章必究,犯规必处,但在此以前的各种违规违纪行为一律既往不咎。
In addition, Yuan Qinsheng also made a decision that surprised everyone. He said at the announcement meeting: " The main responsibility for the situation today is not the employees. Many employees do do something wrong or bad, but they are forced out. Therefore, I announce four words —— 'under the knife', we already know the party committee approved the dismissal of six workers, now not implemented, in order to and, we do a good enterprise together, please think, suggestions, jointly formulate a practical and feasible factory rules and regulations."This decision made the employees in the factory really feel the unique personality charm of the new leader, the six employees who were exempted from dismissal are reformed, in the long-term work was successively rated advanced. In terms of factory rules and regulations, Yuan Qinsheng also said what he did. As soon as he took office, he thoroughly checked the fighting, fighting, gambling, alcohol and other adverse events in the factory before the chaotic period. After understanding the truth of the incident, he dealt with them in accordance with the regulations and gave the whole factory workers an explanation. Then, under the guidance of Yuan Qinsheng, the factory leading cadres is launched a thorough workshop, department comprehensive research, with the factory workers, find out cause the factory, smoke all kinds of evil winds, and targeted to formulate the "factory rules 10" in the factory strictly, Yuan Qinsheng also stressed that everyone is equal in front of the factory rules factory discipline, workers and cadres alike, violations will investigate, foul will be, but before all kinds of violations shall be always bygones.
After Yuan Qinsheng took office after a few doses of good prescriptions, Jiangnan instrument factory changed the past depressed, lax spirit, but he understood that the problem of the heart is solved, the material problem also need to be solved, only in this way, the economy can develop rapidly, Jiangnan instrument factory can truly revitalize.
在经过细致的调查后,袁勤生认为:生产水泥制品只是权宜之计, 江南仪表厂想要发展最终还是需要开发生产仪器仪表。在确定了经营发 展方向后,袁勤生以这一 目标为导向,推出了一系列创新举措,以智立业、 人才兴厂、书面外交、诚信经营,单邀订货、设点销售 ……一套组合拳 多点出击下,江南仪表厂逐渐声名鹊起,产品源源不断地被运送往全国多个大中城市的国营企业,成了全国乡镇企业行列里有口皆碑的佼佼者。
After a careful investigation, Yuan Qinsheng believes that: the production of cement products is only a temporary measure, the Jiangnan instrument factory wants to develop or ultimately need to develop the production of instruments. After determining the business development direction, Yuan Qinsheng to this goal as the guidance, launched a series of innovative measures, with wisdom, talent, written diplomacy, honest management, single order, sales... a set of combination of more attack, jiangnan instrument factory gradually fame, products are continuously transported to many large and medium-sized cities of the state-owned enterprises, became the national township enterprises in the ranks.
Four changes and the implementation of one penetration
在基本扭转了江南仪表厂经济上的颓势,稳住了总体大局后, 一件 小事引起了袁勤生的深思。在仪表车间招收首批学徒工时,厂里按工办 规定的三年定级办法,每月每人发18元补贴。这让袁勤生回忆起自己在 常熟国棉厂工作期间,也是遵循的这种三年定级的制度,据说这是中国几千年来形成的学徒工帮三年学三年的传统,谁都不能改变。
After basically reversing the economic decline of jiangnan instrument factory and stabilizing the overall situation, a small matter caused Yuan Qinsheng's deep thinking. In the instrument workshop to recruit the first batch of apprentices, the factory according to the provisions of the three-year grading method, 18 yuan per month subsidy. This makes Yuan Qinsheng recall the three-year grading system he followed while working in the Changshu National Cotton Factory. It is said that this is a tradition which has been formed for thousands of years in China, and no one can change it.
面对三年定级制度这种对青年成长、成才极为不利的封建糟粕,袁 勤生第一时间想到的就是党的十一届三中全会上号召的,要勇于对一切 不合理的地方做出改革。于是他敢为天下先,在厂长负责制的前提下首 次用权,大胆做出决定:推翻这个延续千年的陈腐规定,不再使用三年 定级的办法,而是采用公开明确的“执行厂规,独立操作,质量合格” 三条标准,只要学徒工进厂达到这三条标准,在经过本人申请和组织考核后即可定级,并按照级别发放工资。
After basically reversing the economic decline of jiangnan instrument factory and stabilizing the overall situation, a small matter caused Yuan Qinsheng's deep thinking. In the instrument workshop to recruit the first batch of apprentices, the factory according to the provisions of the three-year grading method, 18 yuan per month subsidy. This makes Yuan Qinsheng recall the three-year grading system he followed while working in the Changshu National Cotton Factory. It is said that this is a tradition which has been formed for thousands of years in China, and no one can change it.
袁勤生的这一改革虽小,却意义重大,它不仅打破了数千年封建社会遗留下来的陈腐习俗,还是打破了企业衣钵继承的先例,更为青年工人冲破传统束缚,早日成为栋梁之材奠定了坚实的基础。这项改革不仅 解除了封建教条套在青年工人身上的枷锁,还提高了企业培养人才的效率,达到了双重贡献的效果。
Although Yuan Qinsheng's reform is small, but it is of great significance. It not only breaks the old customs left by thousands of years of feudal society, but also breaks the precedent of enterprise mantle inheritance, and lays a solid foundation for young workers to break through the traditional shackles and become pillars as soon as possible. This reform not only lifted the shackles of the feudal dogma on the young workers, but also improved the efficiency of enterprises to cultivate talents, and achieved the effect of double contribution.
在这次小的改革取得卓越成效后,袁勤生充分体会到了改革的伟力, 在通过长期的实践总结和理论研究后,袁勤生在改革的道路上披荆斩棘, 深耕不辍,最终提出了闻名全国的“四改一渗透”政策。该改革政策覆 盖经济、用工、人事、产销四大方面,并坚决地强调了改革的社会主义 方向,把与时俱进、坚持创新和党的思想政治工作一同渗透在上述改革的全过程中,简称“四改一渗透”。
After this small reform achieved remarkable results, Yuan Qinsheng fully realized the great power of reform. After long-term practical summary and theoretical research, Yuan Qinsheng broke on the road of reform, deep ploughing, and finally put forward the famous "four changes and one penetration" policy. The reform policy covers the four aspects of economy, employment, personnel, production and marketing, and firmly emphasizes the socialist direction of reform, keeping pace with The Times, adhere to innovation and the party's ideological and political work together into the whole process of the above-mentioned reform, referred to as "four changes and one infiltration".
在经济方面, “四改一渗透”强调分配制度的问题,它打破了原来的八级工资制和干多干少一个样的大锅饭平均主义,实行了一固定、二考分、三奖励的新型分配制度,使劳动报酬和劳动成果密切挂钩,充分调动了工人的生产积极性,同时也让好逸恶劳者无处遁形。
In economy, "four change a penetration" emphasizes the problem of distribution system, it broke the original eight wages and dry more dry less like pan equalitarianism, implemented a fixed, two test points, three reward new distribution system, make labor remuneration and labor results closely linked, fully arouse the enthusiasm of the workers' production, at the same time also let them nowhere.
在用工方面, “四改一渗透” 打破了原来按照名额上报,上级负责 审批的分配式招工制度,实行了按需招工、公开招工的招工制度,同时 实行按个人特长爱好分配工种的分配制度,在进行入职培训后,要求达 标的学徒可以随时定级,这样的举措使得工人素质在结构调整和技术培 训中迅速得到提高。在此基础上,厂里还与当地中学合作,在为期四年 的应届初中生中招收一个班级,在半工半读的模式下让高中学业和工厂 培训共同进行,从而培养青年技术型工人,这一举措无疑影响巨大,可谓是现代职业学校的雏形。
In terms of employment, "four change a penetration" broke the original report according to the quota, the superior is responsible for examination and approval of distribution recruitment system, implements the on-demand recruitment, open recruitment recruitment system, at the same time, the hobby work distribution system, after the orientation, requirements, mark apprentice can grading at any time, such measures make the worker quality in structural adjustment and technical training rapidly improved. On this basis, the factory also cooperates with the local middle school to recruit a class in the four-year junior high school students, and in the mode of high school study and factory training, so as to train young skilled workers, which undoubtedly has a huge impact and can be described as the prototype of modern vocational school.
在人事方面, “四改一渗透”废除了单纯的调配和任命制度,转而 实行自报、考核、选聘的新型制度,这样的改革使得工人的才能发挥得到充分满足,各类人才很快便脱颖而出。
In terms of personnel, the "four reforms and one infiltration" abolished the simple deployment and appointment system, and replaced the new system of self-reporting, assessment and selection. Such reform fully satisfied the talents of workers, and all kinds of talents soon stood out.
在产销方面, “四改一渗透”破除了计划经济的条条框框,转而实 行新兴的,生机蓬勃的社会主义市场经济制度,充分拓宽了生产经营活动的维度,为江南仪表厂的发展兴盛增添了无限的可能。
In terms of production and marketing, "four reforms and one infiltration" broke the rules and regulations of planned economy, and turned to the emerging and vigorous socialist market economy system, which fully broadened the dimensions of production and operation activities, and added infinite possibilities for the development and prosperity of Jiangnan instrument factory.
这场改革既解决了国有企业吃大锅饭、捧铁饭碗、思想政治工作形 式主义和管理制度教条主义的问题,又改变了乡镇企业唯利是图、粗制 滥造、 一切向钱看的倾向和粗放的管理模式,同时还象征着计划经济向中国特色社会主义市场经济制度的转变过程。
The reform solved the state-owned enterprises eat pot, holding iron rice bowl, ideological and political work formalism and dogmatism management system, and changed the township enterprise mercenary, shoddy, all tendency to money and extensive management mode, is also a symbol of the planned economy to the transformation of the socialist market economy system with Chinese characteristics.
“四改一渗透”的经验首先获得常熟市委、市政府肯定,并联合发 文批转在全市推广,紧接着苏州市委、江苏省委都以不同方式推广,在摸着石头过河的改革初期,在全国范围内都起到了破冰引领的重大作用。
The experience of "four reforms and one infiltration" was first affirmed by Changshu Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and jointly issued a document for promotion in the whole city. Then, Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee were promoted in different ways. In the early stage of the reform of crossing the river by feeling the stones, they played an important role in breaking the ice and leading in the whole country.
Under the reform, Jiangnan Instrument Factory turned a loss into a profit in the second year. By 1997, it had paid the total national tax and township profits of 10.15 million yuan, and all the fixed assets of the enterprise reached more than 20 million yuan. In the economic construction of Jiangnan instrument factory, Yuan Qinsheng gave a full score for the enterprise, the country and the people.
The construction of the two civilizations
In 1984, when the economy of Jiangnan Instrument Factory began to grow steadily, Yuan Qinsheng turned his eyes to the construction of spiritual civilization.
作为一个在破旧的农村小砖窑和水泥制品工厂上建设发展起来的企 业,江南仪表厂一直保持着“少花钱,办好事”的朴素节俭风气,在袁 勤生的倡导下,全厂职工主动参与,自己动手,因陋就简,在业余时间 收集断砖残梁废料,建成了象征着我党优良传统的“延安窑洞”和“南 湖红船”,作为党团活动室。在袁勤生的倡导下,厂里的职工也自觉地向工厂献花,将江南仪表厂建设成了鲜花绽放的百花园。
As a dilapidated rural small brick kiln and cement products factory construction development, jiangnan instrument factory has maintained a "less money, do good things" simple frugal ethos, in yuan, frequently living, under the advocacy of the factory participation, yourself, humble, in his spare time, collect broken brick beam waste, built a symbol of our party's fine tradition "Yan' an cave" and "south lake red boat", as the party activity room. Under the advocacy of Yuan Qinsheng, the workers in the factory also consciously presented flowers to the factory, building the Jiangnan instrument factory into a garden of blooming flowers.
1986年,时任常熟市委书记的孟金元,在三个多月里几乎每周都前 往江南仪表厂深入考察,在考察后还抽调了市委市政府中的九名干部组 成调查组,进驻江南仪表厂再次进行全面的考察。同年5月1日,孟金 元在常熟市报发表署名文章,号召广大企业学习江南仪表厂的文明建设 经验,紧接着,常熟市报连续八期刊登以“江南怒放文明花”为题的系 列报道,江南仪表厂也被评为了常熟市首批文明单位,以表彰它为两个 文明建设起到的引领作用。在那之后,江南仪表厂持续十多年连续被评 为苏州市和江苏省文明单位,袁勤生也获评常熟市十佳乡镇企业家,后 又被评为常熟市首批十名精神文明建设标兵,并被省政府授予“江苏省文明标兵”称号,受到了省领导的亲切接见。同年6月8日,江南仪表厂的工厂风貌被《人民日报》海外版在头版以《祖国风貌》为题刊登,充分向海内外展示了中国特色社会主义环境文明建设的实况成果。
In 1986, Meng Jinyuan, then secretary of the Changshu Municipal Party Committee, went to the Jiangnan Instrument Factory almost every week for more than three months. After the investigation, nine cadres from the Municipal Party Committee and government were dispatched to form an investigation team and entered the Jiangnan Instrument Factory for a comprehensive investigation again. The same year on May 1, Meng Jinyuan in changshu newspaper published a signed article, called on the enterprise learning jiangnan instrument factory civilization construction, experience, then, changshu newspaper eight consecutive period published with "jiangnan civilization in full bloom" system, column, jiangnan instrument factory was evaluated to changshu first civilized unit, for it for two civilization construction play a leading role. After that, jiangnan instrument factory for more than ten years was rated as Suzhou and Jiangsu province civilized unit, Yuan Qinsheng also named changshu top ten township enterprises, changshu was named the first ten spiritual civilization construction pacesetter, and by the provincial government awarded the title of "civilization pacesetter" in Jiangsu province, received a cordial meeting with the provincial leaders. On June 8 of the same year, the factory style of Jiangnan Instrument Factory was published on the front page of the overseas edition of People's Daily with the title of "Style of the Motherland", fully showing the actual achievements of the construction of socialist environmental civilization with Chinese characteristics at home and abroad.
领 航 新 时 代
Leading up to the new era
1988年3月,江南仪表厂对全厂七所公共厕所进行了改造,开创性 地在厕所里设置配备手纸和肥皂,并作出了任何时候不得脱供中断的制 度要求。为做到公共厕所公共管理的目的,袁勤生明确规定:无论是厂 长还是书记和领导班子,都要参与厕所管理,七人每周, 一人一天,负 责轮值达标检查,并把名单公布在公厕墙上。有一次, 一家外地参观团 在听取汇报结束后向袁勤生问及此事,袁勤生回答道: “在文明工厂里, 高层的领导要做一点基层的工作,这样才是真正的人人平等。”后来, 袁勤生把公共厕所的名称也给改了,特地在厕所门上用水泥浇制了“舒园”两字。在袁勤生看来,文明建设的事情无关大小,也不该区分对象是人还 是物,只有这样,好的精神风貌才能像细雨一样,包罗万象,润物无声,无形中渗透到工人的每一寸生活。
In March 1988, Jiangnan Instrument Factory renovated seven public toilets, including toilet paper and soap, and made the system requirement that the supply should not be interrupted at any time. In order to achieve the purpose of public management of public toilets, Yuan Qinsheng clearly stipulated that: whether the factory director, the secretary and the leadership team should participate in the toilet management, seven people a week, one day, responsible for the rotating inspection, and publish the list on the wall of public toilets. Once, a visiting group asked Yuan about the incident after hearing the report. Yuan replied, " In the civilized factory, high-level leaders have to do some grass-roots work, so that everyone is truly equal."Later, Yuan Qinsheng also changed the name of the public toilet, specially pouring the word" Shuyuan " with cement on the toilet door. In Yuan Qinsheng's opinion, the construction of civilization has nothing to do with size, and should it distinguish the object between people or things. Only in this way can a good spirit be like a drizzle, covering everything, moisten things silently, virtually infiltrating into every inch of the life of workers.
The establishment of the people-oriented thought
在袁勤生刚上任时,曾有一件小事,对他在以人为本管理思想的确 立上有着至关重要的影响。当时,工厂急用黄沙,无法马上购进,领导 正为此发愁。 一名曾为欠发工资与领导发生争吵后被处分的员工向袁勤 生提议: “我们工人能为厂里解决急用的黄沙。”袁勤生问其何法?工 人告诉他:平时黄沙堆放的场地在河边,日常刮风下雨、运输装卸作业, 很多黄沙流入河道,都快要影响航道了,可以打捞起来解决急需。但这 名工人同时也提出了一个条件: “在不影响上班的前提下,下班后由我 们组织自愿参加的工人下河打捞,厂里只要派一名保管员随带一杆直尺, 将捞起的黄沙在箩口用直尺刮平,按每箩5毛钱计算即可。有多少算多少,当场兑现,不得欠账。”袁勤生当即同意按工人所说的照办。下班后, 19名工人自发地组织起来,有6人穿了防水胶衣下河,其他人配合, 经过3个多小时的拼搏,共捞得黄沙48箩,当即现付24元。拿到钱后,这些人马上到镇上饭店,包下两桌酒菜,吃得精光!
When Yuan Qinsheng first took office, there was a small thing, which had a crucial influence on the establishment of his people-oriented management thought. At that time, the factory urgent yellow sand, can not buy immediately, the leadership is worried about this. An employee who was punished after a quarrel with a leader over unpaid wages proposed to Yuan: " Our workers can solve the urgent problem of yellow sand in the factory."Yuan Qinsheng asked him what method? The worker told him: usually the sand stacked site in the river, daily wind and rain, transportation and handling operations, a lot of sand into the river, are about to affect the channel, can be salvaged to solve the urgent need. But the worker also put forward a condition: " in the premise of not affecting the work, after work by our organization to participate in the workers in the river, the salvage, as long as the factory sent a custodian with a ruler, the yellow sand in the basket with a ruler scrape flat, according to the basket of 50 cents can be calculated. How many calculate how much, cash on the spot, not debt."Yuan Qinsheng immediately agreed to do what the workers said. After work, 19 workers spontaneously organized, 6 people wore waterproof rubber clothes into the river, others cooperate, after more than 3 hours of hard work, a total of 48 baskets of yellow sand, immediately pay 24 yuan. After getting the money, these men went to the town restaurant, wrapped two tables of wine and food, eat all!